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Leopard 1 MBT in German Army Service - Late Years
In the mid-1970s the Leopard 1 MBT had replaced the M 47 completely and the M 48 partitally. In the shadow of the Leopard 2 MBT development the Leopard 1 was upgraded with add-on-armour, PZB 200 targeting sight and the fire-controle system of the Loepard 2. These measures allowed the Loepard 1 tanks' use into the next millenium. As late as 2003 the Leopard 1's history within the German Army ended - the Leopard 2 had already been in service for 24 years at that date!
Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
88 colour / 12 black&white / 10 graphics / 4 drawings 1/35
Text - Language:
Complete English
Number of pages:
64 + 4

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