Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles
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Publication ID: Nr. 5008

Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles

In the past decades the German defence industry gained worldwide reputation in modern engineer-vehicle technology culminating in the Pionierpanzer 2A1 "Dachs" AEV and the Minenräumpanzer "Keiler" mine-clearing vehicle. This comprehensive publication shows, for the first time in detail, the technological aspects and development history leading to these most modern vehicles.

Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
135 colour / 22 black&white / 2 drawings 1/35 / 1 drawing 1/72
Text - Language:
Complete English
Number of pages:
64 + 4


Price: 18.95 Euro (national prices and currencies apply)

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