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Panzer Sicherungs-Kompanien and
Panzer-Abteilung 208 - I. / Panzer-Regiment Feldherrnhalle
Italy 1943-44, Hungary-Slovakia-Moravia 1944-45
Three Panzer-Sicherungs-Kompanien (armoured security companies) were created from existing units during the summer of 1943 to be employed in case of Italy's exit from the war. From September 1943, they were used to disarm the Italian Army and later to fight partisans in areas of northern Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. In the spring of 1944, the three companies became part of a newly created tank unit, Panzer-Abteilung 208 (armoured unit number 208). This unit remained in northern Italy until the end of the year, when it was re-equipped with new weapons and sent to the Hungarian front.
From late December 1944, the Abteilung was engaged in heavy defensive battles west of encircled Budapest, and in February 1945 it was involved in one of the last successful German offensives, conducted against the Gran Soviet bridgehead. In March 1945, the Abteilung was renamed I. Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment „Feldherrnhalle" and fought its last battles in Hungary, Slovakia and Moravia as part of Panzer-Division „Feldherrnhalle" 1.
On 232 pages the book recounts in detail the little-known history of these units, based on extensive archive research and contributions from former unit members. It contains 380 extremely rare photographs (most not published before), document reproductions, graphics and maps.
In addition, specific chapters also deal with related units: Panzer-Abteilung „Adria", Panzer-Abteilung 212 in Italy, and Panzer-Einsatz-Kompanie „Ligurien".
Dieser Titel ist nur in englischer Sprache lieferbar!
232 Seiten, fester Einband, durchgehend mit 380 s/w Fotos, plus Karten, Gliederungen und Grafiken bebildert

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