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British Military Trucks of World War One
Types and Variants of British-Built and Non-British-Built Trucks in British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Flying Corps Service 1914-18
At the start of the Great War in 1914, the British Army had just 80 trucks and 20 cars in service. These had been augmented by a further 59,490 motor trucks and 33,800 cars and ambulances by the end of the war in 1918. This policy of motorisation made the British Army the most mechanised of all the belligerent nations.
This book is the first-ever publication granting a comprehensive overview of military trucks used by the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Flying Corps in World War One. It covers British-built subsidy, purpose-built and impressed general service trucks with famous manufacturers’ names ranging from AEC to Wolseley. It also shows non-British-built trucks in service with the British Armed Forces, of which the majority were of American origin. Additional chapters cover workshop trucks, tankers, gun trucks, steam wagons, traction engines and tractors.
In 200 pages, this book is illustrated with 396 black-and-white photographs, almost all of which are hitherto unpublished.
Nur in Englischer Sprache lieferbar! Limitierte Auflage – 999 Stück!
Anzahl Fotos und Illustrationen:
Durchgehend mit 396 Schwarz-Weiss Fotos bebildert
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